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Full Version: Hugs and kisses from the pommy
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I've spent a lot of my time on the server and seeing how it grew and how the community developed, I don't regret joining Invex. Not a single bit. I don't really remember when I joined but I was welcomed in as a valued member of the community. I may be one of the few asians but that doesn't mean that I don't fit in Invex since i've spent countless moments with all of you. The laughters and smiles we all shared were all worth it. My trip on Invex was memorable and it's sad to see it come to an end. Who knows, maybe there will be a second trip, but for now, Thank you to everyone who went with me on my journey. 
I might not be able to go online in the next few days so this might be my last goodbye.
[Image: KAWdI2d.png]
(02-07-2018/12:19 AM)Adolf Hitler Wrote: [ -> ][Image: KAWdI2d.png]
lol why isnt there
i will never forget our csgo comp we played where i joined the totally not toxic singapore servers <3
(03-07-2018/03:59 PM)Nigel Wrote: [ -> ]
(02-07-2018/12:19 AM)Adolf Hitler Wrote: [ -> ][Image: KAWdI2d.png]
Adolf is so cool and should be admin tbh ps (im gay)
Thanks :D  if you wanna leave the server too i can add you
(02-07-2018/12:19 AM)Adolf Hitler Wrote: [ -> ][Image: KAWdI2d.png]I’m 

This emotional as fuck