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i thought that i could just touch on this the fact of beem tricking eg: placing a beem and saying rush to it  then place another but don't say anything then kill the people that rushed that beem, i like to to this trick myself to cut numbers but one thing i do is say do not do this for all my beams after the first beem is placed i thought i could bring it up to see what u think
The kids just need to listen, no fix required in my opinion.

why do you say beem and beam lol (it's beam).
the thing is it's applied to all my beam, if the warden did not said that means you don't go to the new beam
sometimes when I warden I let everyone freelook and just place a beam randomly. and people who rush to it die.
I don't see a problem with it as you do not give them orders to go to it so yeh.
-1 my wardening style
not really beam tricking.

beam/transporting order tricking is more like telling all T's to rush to a specific colour of a beam, then placing a beam out of the T's sight which the beam is not the coordinated colour to rush to.
Honestly don't understand why this is a suggestion. It's fine as it is. People just need to use their ears.
-1, ppl just need to use there ears
Why is this in the suggestion section? What are you actually suggesting?

The rules are pretty clear, don't trick when transporting prisoners with beams.
Any way includes placing different colours, or placing random beams and waiting for people to rush it etc.

CT28: GUARDS cannot trick PRISONERS in any way when transporting PRISONERS across the map.