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Full Version: Fortnite
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Pages: 1 2
If anyone's keen to play on pc or Xbox my name is CorbinH
Wins : 26 all together
Top 3: 86
Top 6: 110

Matches played: 320
Kills: 602

Drop nAmes Below
Pc add me Collectorman
Pc add me: djcroxon
You also forgot to add
Time Spent Outside: 0
Pc add: BeaxGaming
Add me: InvexByte

PS: Moved thread to General Games Discussion.
Add me : InvexGamingDotComAsriel

Just a quick note:
PC players are able to play with ps4 players. I also think PC may be able to play with xbox players.
However thats not he case for xbox to ps4, sorry.
All you need to do is add each other on Epic Games.

PC Add: Mathew_1
Pages: 1 2