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Family rant - Ownaj - 27-07-2016

So yeah i just wanted to talk about it really, As some may know i had to have emergency surgery in early 2015 because of some rare shit that had been making me sick for the past 3 years before that. after this surgery it was incredibly hard to get myself motivated, to get to school and such.
Bit of backstory : *I live with my mother and brother and my whole other side of my family lives quite far away from me. And i find it incredibly hard to talk to my father, i wasn't abused or anything he's just a hard man to talk to.*
And because of me not going to school and failing school i got quite depressed for a while, i ended up finishing the year and not passing, But i begged the school to allow me to go forward. They allowed me to and i am still failing still not going to school and i haven't told my father or otherside of the family any of this until today. I decided to drop out of school and start an pre trade course in electrical engineering i called my father today and told him everything, about how hard it was for me after my surgery and how i can't deal with it anymore.
After a good talk he said he understands, He supports me and i feel as if a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders, this pressure has been going on since jan 2015 up until now and i finally talked to my dad. And he says i should do what i want, if i cant handle school anymore then this course im going into is a good option. And now im writing this feeling so much pressure off of me.

Tl;Dr Lied to family about how im doing for over a year finally told the truth today and dropped out of school to do a 42 week course, Lots of pressure and stress off me.

Some people may laught at me or taunt me about it, however im happy that i finally sorted this out.
If anyone is having family issues or just needs someone to talk to add me and send me a message im happy to talk with anyone now that i feel so much better. Someone to talk to can help tremendously.
Shoutout to Vinyl and Hello World  for being babes.

RE: Family rant - Seth - 27-07-2016

Shit bro.
Tbh, you have dealt with this entire situation amazingly well. I never would've guessed you for someone receiving this amount of freaking shit in your life. You can be harsh at some points whilst admining jb, but that is rarely a bad thing.
I wish you the best of luck moving forward, and that you succeed in the course c;]
Also, get rid of the targaryen house symbol, your like up to season 3 :3

RE: Family rant - Ownaj - 27-07-2016

Seth thanks man means alot, Also im on s6 e2 :3 i no lifed that show it's easily my favourite only coming shy of dbz by a slim margin

RE: Family rant - asriel - 27-07-2016

i only read the last bit

RE: Family rant - Ownaj - 27-07-2016

asriel keku memeu

RE: Family rant - Forgotten - 27-07-2016

You're not a failure to me c:

RE: Family rant - Ownaj - 27-07-2016

Forgotten fanks boss

RE: Family rant - jimjacker - 27-07-2016

damn that's deep.

RE: Family rant - Ownaj - 27-07-2016

jimjacker lel :^)

RE: Family rant - jimjacker - 27-07-2016

good luck moving forward dood.