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why are people putting there names backwars i dont understand it - Printable Version

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RE: why are people putting there names backwars i dont understand it - Jake - 18-08-2016

I thought I would be a sick lad by translating this, but nah

RE: why are people putting there names backwars i dont understand it - Reaper - 18-08-2016

lel Jake i havent seen you translate where did u post it @"KinG"

RE: why are people putting there names backwars i dont understand it - Moistness - 26-08-2016

sdrawkcab seman ereht gnttup elpoep era yhw

Why are people putting there names backwards.

Why do people put there names backward i dont understand it like i know its a meme and stuff but srsly i kinda looks like vour uneducated and dont now how to spell its really weird and iust makes people try to figure out other peoples sentences that they make and especially if they do it on the forurms like why would anyone do it on the forums.

In English (Kinda):
Why are people putting their names backwards?

Why do people put their names backwards. I don't understand it like I know it's a meme and stuff but seriously it kinda looks like your uneducated and don't know how to spell. It's really weird and just makes people try to figure out other peoples sentences that they make, especially if they do it on the forums. Like why would anyone do it on the forums.