Invex Gaming - Gaming Community
[JAILBREAK] I have been banned for making a (ddos threat) my i be unbanned - Printable Version

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+---- Thread: [JAILBREAK] I have been banned for making a (ddos threat) my i be unbanned (/showthread.php?tid=11100)

I have been banned for making a (ddos threat) my i be unbanned - Crzxxy - 11-06-2018


RE: I have been banned for making a (ddos threat) my i be unbanned - Magikarp - 11-06-2018

The account you linked isn't banned. So I'd assume that since its a 3rd account (2 currently banned) you don't want to be unbanned?
All in all you had been given a 1 day. It will expire on 11/06/18 07:41 PM AEST (22 mins from this post)

I have been banned for making a (ddos threat) my i be unbanned - Magikarp - 11-06-2018

Your unban appeal has been DENIED and this thread has been closed.