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Playing with a scammer - Printable Version

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Playing with a scammer - Razor - 12-11-2016

Razor: hi
Phoenix (2): not busy now
Phoenix (2): ?
Razor: nah just afking on rs
Razor: whuddup ;p
Phoenix (2): i`m looking for partner to work together bro
Phoenix (2): do you hear about CS:GO gambling websites?
Razor: yeah
Phoenix (2): okay its good
Razor: i won enough to trade up for my knife not long ago ;p
Phoenix (2): its good)
Phoenix (2): i`m now work moderator on one of this website, can prove you this
Phoenix (2): and have proposal where we can split jackpot 70/30
Phoenix (2): intersting maybe?
Razor: sure
Phoenix (2): on this website i`m work
Phoenix (2): hear about this website?)
Phoenix (2): for prove what i can, say me random guy on round
Phoenix (2): and i make him win pot
Phoenix (2): just for show what i can
Razor: ok
Phoenix (2): so?
Razor: i cant see anyone for some reason
Phoenix (2): why cant see?
Phoenix (2): just go on website
Phoenix (2): and w8
Razor: it says the round begins! deposit now! and i cant see the game for some reason
Phoenix (2): have skype?
Razor: nope
Phoenix (2): bro
Phoenix (2): just go on website
Phoenix (2): and do not need press F5
Phoenix (2): just w8
Phoenix (2): and pot will be start
Razor: this is what comes up
Phoenix (2): try w8
Phoenix (2): reload page
Phoenix (2): F5
Phoenix (2): and wi 10 sec
Phoenix (2): so?
Razor: still isnt loading
Phoenix (2): have another browser?
Razor: yeah ill try that
Phoenix (2): kk
Phoenix (2): i wait
Razor: oh i see
Phoenix (2): bets are start?
Razor: make calips10n the winner :p
Phoenix (2): kk
Phoenix (2): see?
Razor: cool :o
Phoenix (2): so you wanna work with me?
Razor: ok
Phoenix (2): so
Phoenix (2): just need make a bet when on pot 500-600$+
Phoenix (2): after i`m choose you
Phoenix (2): you take pot
Phoenix (2): and give me my 70% of items
Phoenix (2): thats how we will be work
Razor: can i have the admin panel pw?
Phoenix (2): you?
Phoenix (2): are you kidding me?)
Razor: i thought we were working together Sad
Phoenix (2): yeap
Phoenix (2): you will just make a bet
Phoenix (2): i`m will be choose you for win
Phoenix (2): you take pot
Phoenix (2): if you take 500$
Phoenix (2): you give me my 350$ in tems
Phoenix (2): this is 70%
Phoenix (2): another 150 are your
Razor: what if i have admin panel and you make bets
Phoenix (2): are you realy kidding me?
Phoenix (2): i`m dont have all admin panel and i`m just moderator
Phoenix (2): i cant make a new moderator
Razor: oh
Razor: whos admin
Phoenix (2): dude
Phoenix (2): he dont make you
Phoenix (2): so
Phoenix (2): will be work with me or not???
Phoenix (2): just need make a bet
Phoenix (2): if dont wanna
Phoenix (2): dont waste my time
Razor: one moment i just gotta deposit
Phoenix (2): login on website
Phoenix (2): and wrote your
Phoenix (2): trade link
Phoenix (2): so?
Razor: just tryna do that now
Phoenix (2): i wait
Phoenix (2): lol this can do for 1 minutesBig GrinD
Razor: hey i cant put my knife in for some reason
Phoenix (2): what?
Razor: im trying to confirm it and it doesnt work
Phoenix (2): dude
Phoenix (2): you dont login
Phoenix (2): on website
Phoenix (2): lol
Razor: it says i am
Phoenix (2): SS
Phoenix (2): pls
Phoenix (2): imgur
Razor: ok 1 sec

RE: Playing with a scammer - ev0 - 12-11-2016

Lol, the old %% im a Mod trick. Retards out there still think this works sigh.

I also suppressed the link to the site so we dont get retards getting scammed/virus'

RE: Playing with a scammer - KinqqG - 12-11-2016

^^ how old u my uso dang

RE: Playing with a scammer - vulture - 12-11-2016

Lmaooooooooooooo k

RE: Playing with a scammer - Forgotten - 12-11-2016

PhoeniX have anything to say for yourself???

lmao jk

RE: Playing with a scammer - PhoeniX - 12-11-2016

That's not me btw

RE: Playing with a scammer - Forgotten - 12-11-2016

(12-11-2016/09:26 AM)PhoeniX Wrote: That's not me btw

yeah ik xd