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PhoeniXx's admin application! - Printable Version

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PhoeniXx's admin application! - PhoeniX - 11-12-2016

Age: 7
Ive been banned twice for massfreekill (accident)

i think id be a good admin cuz no admins cum on ffa. and i usually go on ffa Big Grin


RE: PhoeniXx's admin application! - Forgotten - 11-12-2016


RE: PhoeniXx's admin application! - Saanta - 11-12-2016

-1 his age is not 6 or under and needs to be banned more than 5 times to be a good admin

RE: PhoeniXx's admin application! - Big Moist - 11-12-2016

-1 reasons stated.

jk dad would fuck

RE: PhoeniXx's admin application! - Masta - 11-12-2016

wow nice meme +2 exdeeee i'm so funny

RE: PhoeniXx's admin application! - Muffin - 11-12-2016

Is this a legit post? Or just yolo and get your posts up by posting random things xD

RE: PhoeniXx's admin application! - Triple - 11-12-2016

I wish I could thread spam.

RE: PhoeniXx's admin application! - PhoeniX - 11-12-2016

Lol i thought it didnt count as thread. lmaooo.

whats the point of thread count anyway lmao

RE: PhoeniXx's admin application! - jfanG - 11-12-2016

yeah no