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Requesting a shorter ban - Mosey - Printable Version

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Requesting a shorter ban - Mosey - Mosey - 22-04-2017

Okay... so i did some bad shit as in abusing shirori (sorry mate) and may have free killed him once... but, he made an abuse report on me (rightfully so i was a dick) and i got perm banned from invex servers... it says the reason for the permanent ban was "racial slur"... but i %100 assure you that i wasn't racist. also it said that i was gun planting, not true or i am to autistic to remember, and that "Homophobic remark" never happened. Yes i deserve a long ass ban for what i did but what really happen is he free killed me mate Jacob twice, then proceed to abuse him in verbal form and refused to slay. so that's when everyone literally abused the fuck out of him, but I am a bit pissed about the fake reports of racial slur, gun plants and being homophobic which lead to me getting a permanent ban from invex jail break, i was 1.000 credits off jet pack as well, fuck. so if you witnessed this or agree with what happened huge help to +1 :3

RE: Requesting a shorter ban - Mosey - n8 - 22-04-2017

Needs to be moved to unban requests Byte

RE: Requesting a shorter ban - Mosey - Byte - 22-04-2017

Closed due to wrong section.