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[COMBAT SURF] Trux Copy Paste God - Printable Version

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Trux Copy Paste God - killer - 24-04-2017

Truxs copies byte template.

Bytes original surf rules:

Also trux has copied another servers name by the name of "ator gamging" he also copied the picture.
Seems like trux dosent know how to make his own stuff up.

RE: Trux Copy Paste God - PhoeniX - 24-04-2017

Yeah can confirm, I saw this aswell xdd. And the ator gaming oml me and jynxx discovered it yesterday

phoenix: oi
phoenix: explain ur self
phoenix: You just fucking ctrl c'd inverx
phoenix: ???
phoenix: Thats not an answer cunt

Ye he just changed them

Trux Copy Paste God - Byte - 26-04-2017

TRUX (BANNED) repeated incidents like this will get you permanently banned.

I've seen that you've slightly changed the rules rather than a straight copy and paste so closing this for now.

On a side note, why does everyone copy Invex?
Rhetorical question.