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1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - Printable Version

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1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - PoosKi - 11-06-2017

Hey everyone, PoosKi here.

I would like to become an administrator of the 1v1/aim server.

- Admin on Jailbreak, means I've done a job similar before and have the experience.
- Trusted member of the community.
- Knows when to cross the border between fun and abuse.
- Can spot out hackers (evidence of this is my abuse reports) (even at my high rank of Gold Nova 1)
- I can't aim.

Thanks for reading my application (if you did) and please leave thoughts below.
For all -1's please leave a message and not just a blank "-1"

Cheers, FaZe Rain

RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - Forgotten - 11-06-2017

+1 friendly, respected player, does a great job at admining on Jailbreak and I believe he will on 1v1 too.

RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - Jochz - 11-06-2017

+1 Great guy grinded for the pt

RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - Leevie - 11-06-2017

-1 shit

+1 gud

RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - fluxxx - 11-06-2017

-1 doesn't know rules, naughty pooski

Jk <3, +1 Great dude, Admin on JB, Knows when joking goes too far, would make a great 1v1 admin.


RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - Chappo - 11-06-2017

-1 just meets the requirements and thought positive points are a good thing for 1v1 not 700?


RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - Elmo - 11-06-2017

+1 faze rain good at cs

RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - Razor - 11-06-2017

(11-06-2017/07:18 PM)Forgotten Wrote: +1 friendly, respected player, does a great job at admining on Jailbreak and I believe he will on 1v1 too.

Basically my reasoning for recommending him, he's on most of the time that I am on so he is active enough for the job, +1.

RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - Andi - 11-06-2017


RE: 1v1/Aim Admin Application ~ PoosKi - PoosKi - 11-06-2017

Thanks Lads, Forgotten, Andi, Jochz, @"Valence", Razor, Chappo, @"Sausage" for the +1s Smile

Elmo #fazeup