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[JAILBREAK] Possible Walls? - Printable Version

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Possible Walls? - Dandy - 10-07-2017

So he takes a shot at me through the wall (doesn't even know how to get out of armoury)

Later waits to open the door and finishes me off.

Looks extremely suspicious in my opinion.

RE: Possible Walls? - PoosKi - 10-07-2017

ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE: 10-07-2017-1307-jb_lego_jail_2k17.dem
After reviewing this demo with Razor I was not sure whether or not he was hacking, he had a lot of very sus moments...
128212 - sus sorta (not huge)
129000 - Goes in to vent and knows exactly what way to go. Also pulls out deagle to shoot the player as soon as he turns the right corner
134453 - Goes in to disco bathrooms through vents, skips the middle toilet and goes all the way to the right then back to the middle.
140489 - Possibly looked directly at Razor through the wall then kept going on to kill him.

P.S I have CTbanned this individual for 120 minutes due to in-experience. Didn't slay/ctban him right away as I was looking for evidence!

Razor can confirm.

EDIT: Can confirm the ventcamp/sus moment in dandys evidence.

RE: Possible Walls? - Andi - 10-07-2017

can confirm this kid looked so sus, he just knew where every1 is.

RE: Possible Walls? - Hyst - 10-07-2017

can confirm

RE: Possible Walls? - asriel - 10-07-2017

while i was spectating him his crosshair seemed to budge towards the locations of the hiders

Possible Walls? - Forgotten - 10-07-2017

Definitely looks suspicious but not enough to warrant a ban, if you find more evidence on him PM me over Steam/forums and I'll re-open this.

The admin team have concluded that this is NOT abuse.
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