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Ping problem with 1v1. - Printable Version

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Ping problem with 1v1. - Swo-Z - 17-07-2017

For the past few days (3-4), I have been experiencing ping issues with the server, resulting in me not being able to play properly. I have uploaded a video to Youtube showing my problem and would like to know if it's is me or the server, which is listed below. I will answer a few questions/statements that I can think of now. "Surf had no players while 1v1 was a full server making your ping high?" I have gone on the 1v1 server when the server has no players and have the same issue. "Can you play with this ping?" I can play with it but I do feel a delay when killing someone and being killed my self.  e.g. shooting someone then going behind a wall to then be seen dying where i was 1/2 a second ago. Shooting someone going behind a wall to see that I killed them with a head shot when I probably shouldn't have. "Have you tried turning your router off and on again" Yes. "Is your ping the same on mm or other community servers?" My ping stays in the 30 range in mm and other community servers.

Maybe a simple restart might do the trick, as I recall the server used to have an issue where it would crash and restart it self, which I've noticed it hasn't been doing which is good, but a simple restart might help. I'm just giving suggestions that is. When you added the new maps to the map pool something might have been changed then?



RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - Corbin H - 17-07-2017

This also happens to me on surf which i get 107 ping flat but when i join jb i get 29

RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - Swo-Z - 17-07-2017

I get around that as well when I'm on 1v1 but when I'm on surf I get 30.

RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - Mcnessyj - 18-07-2017

Just to note, Corbin and Swo-Z are both with Spark. Is anyone else with spark experiencing this issue?

RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - Swo-Z - 21-07-2017

Okay for the past 8 days now I have still had bad ping with the 1v1 server. I was hoping with the servers going down for maintenance would help, but sadly it has not. Byte I have tagged you just in case you haven't seen. Hopefully you can fix it, otherwise there's sort of no point of even going for Admin if this can't be fixed.

RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - Andi - 21-07-2017

Dw byte got this

RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - Swo-Z - 22-07-2017

My ping has been fixed on 1v1. I don't know if Byte had anything to do with it, but if so thank you very much after a week I can finely play properly now :^). @"CorbinH" You should try see if you're ping is still high on surf, if it's not and fixed this thread can be closed.

RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - PhoeniX - 22-07-2017

Hmm, sounds like a mac problem

RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - stu - 23-07-2017

PhoeniX you have no idea, thats why i quit gaming for a while xd

RE: Ping problem with 1v1. - Forgotten - 14-12-2017
