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Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Censor - 17-03-2016

Name of offender: Prescotti

Server (Surf Combat/Surf FFA DM/ Jailbreak/ FFA DM): Jailbreak

Steam ID [Find it here]: STEAM_0:0:92347401

Steam Profile Link:

Date & Time: 17 March and many other days previously

Map: All of them basically

Witnesses (if any): Dandy, Grom, all others that were dead

Evidence: Didnt get to record it, but there were many witnesses. Please CT ban atleast.

Reason for abuse report: Well for the freekilling, I have personally been freekilled around 6 times and this is just outrageous. He has said this during a joke day (or another type of day) "oh I dont like Censor" *kills me*.

Today he gave me and Ownaj 5 seconds to LR and he knows that it should be 10 seconds, because he has read the rules Wink.

Now about the wallhacking, I am fairly certain he has walls (I know I need evidence), but it was fairly evident he was tracing Grom. Basically Grom was rebelling and Prescotti decided to go hunt him, not knowing where Grom was at all. He goes straight to a vent that Grom was breaking and then followed like normal, but the fishy part was when he was tracing grom through a wall and keeping his outline in his vision the entire time. Grom thought he was safe and went to medic to heal, he then quickly ran away behind a wall and during this time Prescotti did not have grom in his sights at all. Prescotti then suddenly snaps towards grom and tracers him through a wall and slowly peaks him directly aiming at his head.

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Grom - 17-03-2016

I was the witness and victum of wall hacks whereever I would go even if shift walking he would appear to kill me
I would live until I hid somwhere and he yelled where I was 15 seconds after I arrived, prefired me and spectators told me he was tracing me threw wall for about 20-30 seconds when I died

He is also known for sus stuff in Invex and comp

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Prescotti - 17-03-2016

If I have freekilled I am sorry, I never intentionally kill you... and censor when I say "I don't like him" and kill you. It is really just banter and I don't intend for it to be hurtful in anyway. I do remember that round and that's because I was the last one to vote and I chose to kill you with a cheeky saying as well. If you took offence to it I am sorry.

As for the wallhacking accusation, I've got over 4000 CSGO hours and I have good game sense. I have countless demos of my gameplay if you need it I am happy to upload it. The kill on Grom was explained, I saw him shift walking from medic to pool. I can understand with low experience in the game it may seem weird to have an experienced player on jailbreak but I am here to stay. Smile

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Censor - 17-03-2016

low experience? lol

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Grom - 17-03-2016

(17-03-2016/10:08 PM)Prescotti Wrote: If I have freekilled I am sorry, I never intentionally kill you... and censor when I say "I don't like him" and kill you. It is really just banter and I don't intend for it to be hurtful in anyway. I do remember that round and that's because I was the last one to vote and I chose to kill you with a cheeky saying as well. If you took offence to it I am sorry.

As for the wallhacking accusation, I've got over 4000 CSGO hours and I have good game sense. I have countless demos of my gameplay if you need it I am happy to upload it. The kill on Grom was explained, I saw him shift walking from medic to pool. I can understand with low experience in the game it may seem weird to have an experienced player on jailbreak but I am here to stay. Smile

First of all I get the 4000 hours but I have nearly 2k so I get that and if you did see me I was watching disco the whole time and didn't see you.
The he is pool before you turn the corneris what threw me off
I was told you were on my head a seconds before you even turned the corner

But to prove this I would like the demo for me to be satisfied

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Trident - 17-03-2016

This isn't a pissing match on who has played longer or more, keep it relevant to the abuse report.

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Prescotti - 17-03-2016

(17-03-2016/10:12 PM)Grom Wrote:
(17-03-2016/10:08 PM)Prescotti Wrote: If I have freekilled I am sorry, I never intentionally kill you... and censor when I say "I don't like him" and kill you. It is really just banter and I don't intend for it to be hurtful in anyway. I do remember that round and that's because I was the last one to vote and I chose to kill you with a cheeky saying as well. If you took offence to it I am sorry.

As for the wallhacking accusation, I've got over 4000 CSGO hours and I have good game sense. I have countless demos of my gameplay if you need it I am happy to upload it. The kill on Grom was explained, I saw him shift walking from medic to pool. I can understand with low experience in the game it may seem weird to have an experienced player on jailbreak but I am here to stay. Smile

First of all I get the 4000 hours but I have nearly 2k so I get that and if you did see me I was watching disco the whole time and didn't see you.
The he is pool before you turn the corneris what threw me off
I was told you were on my head a seconds before you even turned the corner

But to prove this I would like the demo for me to be satisfied

I think it was just the timing or you just didn't see me as I was also walking slowly. I've played for over a week on the server and you're the first person to say anything and really without any proof its a bit silly. Send me your email address VIA PM and I'll send you the demo.

(17-03-2016/10:09 PM)Censor Wrote: low experience? lol

Came across a lot worse than I intended.

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Grom - 17-03-2016

Pmed email also try upload if it does not work
If you are not walling I am fine with it
But from my perspective it is weird and I was nagged by spectators so I am not greatly convinced

I am fine with however this report goes

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - Trident - 17-03-2016

Please upload demo here on the forums.

RE: Prescotti Freekilling/Wallhacking? - CHEF - 17-03-2016

i havent played jb in a while but this is my (probably not valued) opinion, based on prescottis posts on forums, steam profile and things said in this thread.

- some dude with 1 game (csgo) 2k hours on it, and the only (important) group hes in being invex, this seems really dodgy. i have a feeling this person just has a throwaway account to play on servers and try and get in with their communities
- you play on the server for 3 days, and youre already complaining about problems that have been on the jailbreak server ever since it got released. it sounded like you had played on the server for one map and then just went on a rant because you died a bunch of times.
- you had to apply for an unban appeal for freekilling and then instantly leaving, and now youre being accused of even more freekilling as well as wallhacking

i havent personally met you, but i dont think i even wanna log onto jailbreak until the issue (you) gets sorted.