17-03-2016/09:38 PM
Name of offender: Prescotti
Server (Surf Combat/Surf FFA DM/ Jailbreak/ FFA DM): Jailbreak
Steam ID [Find it here]: STEAM_0:0:92347401
Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198144960530/
Date & Time: 17 March and many other days previously
Map: All of them basically
Witnesses (if any): Dandy, Grom, all others that were dead
Evidence: Didnt get to record it, but there were many witnesses. Please CT ban atleast.
Reason for abuse report: Well for the freekilling, I have personally been freekilled around 6 times and this is just outrageous. He has said this during a joke day (or another type of day) "oh I dont like Censor" *kills me*.
Today he gave me and Ownaj 5 seconds to LR and he knows that it should be 10 seconds, because he has read the rules
Now about the wallhacking, I am fairly certain he has walls (I know I need evidence), but it was fairly evident he was tracing Grom. Basically Grom was rebelling and Prescotti decided to go hunt him, not knowing where Grom was at all. He goes straight to a vent that Grom was breaking and then followed like normal, but the fishy part was when he was tracing grom through a wall and keeping his outline in his vision the entire time. Grom thought he was safe and went to medic to heal, he then quickly ran away behind a wall and during this time Prescotti did not have grom in his sights at all. Prescotti then suddenly snaps towards grom and tracers him through a wall and slowly peaks him directly aiming at his head.
Server (Surf Combat/Surf FFA DM/ Jailbreak/ FFA DM): Jailbreak
Steam ID [Find it here]: STEAM_0:0:92347401
Steam Profile Link: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198144960530/
Date & Time: 17 March and many other days previously
Map: All of them basically
Witnesses (if any): Dandy, Grom, all others that were dead
Evidence: Didnt get to record it, but there were many witnesses. Please CT ban atleast.
Reason for abuse report: Well for the freekilling, I have personally been freekilled around 6 times and this is just outrageous. He has said this during a joke day (or another type of day) "oh I dont like Censor" *kills me*.
Today he gave me and Ownaj 5 seconds to LR and he knows that it should be 10 seconds, because he has read the rules

Now about the wallhacking, I am fairly certain he has walls (I know I need evidence), but it was fairly evident he was tracing Grom. Basically Grom was rebelling and Prescotti decided to go hunt him, not knowing where Grom was at all. He goes straight to a vent that Grom was breaking and then followed like normal, but the fishy part was when he was tracing grom through a wall and keeping his outline in his vision the entire time. Grom thought he was safe and went to medic to heal, he then quickly ran away behind a wall and during this time Prescotti did not have grom in his sights at all. Prescotti then suddenly snaps towards grom and tracers him through a wall and slowly peaks him directly aiming at his head.