Were there any other admins present at the time of the ban?: nope but a 1 week ban was given to me after this happened by hello world
How did the ban occur (Your side of the story): well it was nearly 2 in the morning so i was like 'yeah lets have a laugh'. the T's were doing a knife fight and i started shooting cts and (they shot me back of course) so i killed them because we were trying to kill each other.
Do you have any other evidence that might support your appeal? (e.g. Screenshots/Demos/Other players who can vouch for you?): sto was there he can vouch that the cts were laughing aswell after i killed them
Why do you think you should be unbanned?: well 720 mins (12 hours) is a bit lengthy for something relatively harmless and i did a 1 week ban from jb fully so i reckon ive done fair time and deserve probation. ty for reading my appeal
I dont have any evidence except from witness's (Ownaj)
But here's the Story:
I was playing as a guard where the Warden was playing first reaction last reaction and he didn't say anything about "Only I can kill" so the warden said last reaction rush to this beam, I killed the guy who was last and for some reason I got slayed, Moved to the other team and a warning (That was by Gandalf).
Also to back that up, previously I accidently kill gandalf after a collision shot on Soona, he did the same thing, Slay (Which didnt work cuz I accepted it and kms'd) swapped, CT ban and warning.
Witnesses (if any): @"SneakyStovell" many others on server at the time Ownaj
Evidence: got a negev sprayed down 8 t'z
Reason for abuse report: mass freekill ctbanned for 180 tbh 1day ban will be abit better as he just laughed and said just a prank bro. this kind of attitude is not accepted. i cant get the demo just as yet, i was in spec got mass spam of him freekilling so i took the precaution of 180min ctban so if globals want to upgrade it you guys can as it is deserved
[ UI ] Fixed a rare issue when scraping a sticker on a weapon could also scrape a sticker on a different weapon. [ VAC ] CS:GO VAC Bans and CS:GO Game Bans will be applied to all accounts that share the same phone number. See VAC FAQ (https://support.steampowered.com/kb_arti...-RADZ-6869) for more details.
ByteHello World i have one issue with the !guard command.there should be an !unguard command that removes your !guard command if you change your mind on going to the ct team, because i found alot of the times the teams become very unbalanced when the player joins ct and instantly switches back to t. GromPrinceDeamo
Reason for Ban (if known):Releasing my full name to the whole server at the time (Invading my privacy)
Reason for appeal: Releasing private information would include something which was not already available to the public, in this case how ever was entirely the opposite of his claim. To start his first name was already visible to everyone on steam who viewed his profile. His first name is clearly on his steam profile, and his last name is in his forum name/steam URL, which he mentioned a few times in previous lobbies. So concluding i can say that his claim of me releasing "Private" information to the entire server is entirely false when it was already accessible and view-able for the entire server, or even anyone who clicks on his profile. Was it maybe a fuckhead thing to do? Yes but multiple people on the server knew him on his first name basis, and when his entire name is on his profile, takes 3 seconds of thinking and understanding to realise that this is his name. Therefor, my ban appeal is essentially claiming that his accusation was false, and clearly shown in the statements I put. (Not backed up by quotes due to lack of research but common understanding.)
Also, his name is legit on his profile on this forums in bright rainbow colours.
Dedotated Wam ✅: yoo
Jynxx: sup
Dedotated Wam ✅: do u acept steam codes?
Jynxx: um
Jynxx: never done it
Jynxx: what for??
Dedotated Wam ✅: im offering $30 for you rak
Jynxx: ak?
Dedotated Wam ✅: yeah
Jynxx: nah im good
Dedotated Wam ✅: http://www.couchtuner.ag/2016/04/legends...leviathan/
Dedotated Wam ✅: AK-47 | Aquamarine Revenge
Dedotated Wam ✅: more moneys?
Jynxx: no
Dedotated Wam ✅: cause name tag stickers?
Jynxx: i like it
Dedotated Wam ✅: $50
Dedotated Wam ✅: $50??
Jynxx: hmm
Dedotated Wam ✅: you could buy knifeee?
Jynxx: ill think about it
Dedotated Wam ✅: I need to go
Jynxx: k
Dedotated Wam ✅: so we can do this now?
Dedotated Wam ✅: i got 10min
Jynxx: no sorry
Dedotated Wam ✅: why
Dedotated Wam ✅: good money for u
Dedotated Wam ✅: ??
Jynxx: just like the skin
Dedotated Wam ✅: $50
Dedotated Wam ✅: FOR IT
Jynxx: nah
Dedotated Wam ✅: Its profit
Dedotated Wam ✅: i need skins to bet
Jynxx: nah sorry dude
Dedotated Wam ✅: For real
Dedotated Wam ✅: why
Dedotated Wam ✅: you get $50
Dedotated Wam ✅: you can buy more skins
Jynxx: idk just like the skin
Dedotated Wam ✅: You can buy the