28-11-2019/04:56 PM
I feel like 5 credits every 20 minutes on the server isn't enough, it should be at least 10 .
28-11-2019/04:56 PM
I feel like 5 credits every 20 minutes on the server isn't enough, it should be at least 10 .
28-11-2019/04:56 PM
its every 120 seconds
28-11-2019/04:59 PM
28-11-2019/05:01 PM
suggestion made about this a month ago and got rejected.
28-11-2019/06:31 PM
28-11-2019/07:11 PM
yes jetpack too expensive p2w server like factions
28-11-2019/07:29 PM
(This post was last modified: 28-11-2019/08:02 PM by Boltz_101. Edited 1 time in total.)
As jynxx said, byte has already addressed suggestions like this and rejected them. I know it sucks especially as we have to grind for stuff again for hundreds of hours and feels like we are always at a disadvantage but that’s one way they are keeping the server up (pls get it back up we can’t join it).
Fun Fact: A bolt of lightning ⚡️ is roughly 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun ☀️.
29-11-2019/10:21 AM
I made this suggestion earlier for members because I thought that members deserved more for sticking around for a while. Byte will most likely decline this suggestion due to the same reason that being It hasn't even been 2 weeks since the reset/relaunch
01-12-2019/07:14 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-12-2019/07:15 PM by n8. Edited 1 time in total.)
rejected for the same reasoning as - https://invex.gg/showthread.php?tid=11607
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