30-04-2016/02:38 PM
Name of offender:
Server (Surf Combat/Surf FFA DM/ Jailbreak/ FFA DM):
Steam ID:
Steam Profile:
Date & Time:
Around 1 PM AEST
jb_peanut_ (I dont remember rest)
Witnesses (if any):
I dont have any evidence except from witness's (Ownaj)
But here's the Story:
I was playing as a guard where the Warden was playing first reaction last reaction and he didn't say anything about "Only I can kill" so the warden said last reaction rush to this beam, I killed the guy who was last and for some reason I got slayed, Moved to the other team and a warning (That was by Gandalf).
Also to back that up, previously I accidently kill gandalf after a collision shot on Soona, he did the same thing, Slay (Which didnt work cuz I accepted it and kms'd) swapped, CT ban and warning.
Reason for abuse report: