16-06-2022/03:35 PM
Release Notes for 6/15/2022
[GAMEPLAY] – Reduced the M4A1-S magazine size to 20 bullets, with 80 in reserve. [MAPS] Ancient: -Remove cratestack outside of “cave” location -Fixed pixelgap from inside “cave” towards T mid -Fixed ground clipping bugs in mid causing players to go slightly airborne -Smoothed out ground outside of “cave” down towards B ramp -Blocked archeological dig […]
[GAMEPLAY] – Reduced the M4A1-S magazine size to 20 bullets, with 80 in reserve. [MAPS] Ancient: -Remove cratestack outside of “cave” location -Fixed pixelgap from inside “cave” towards T mid -Fixed ground clipping bugs in mid causing players to go slightly airborne -Smoothed out ground outside of “cave” down towards B ramp -Blocked archeological dig […]