07-04-2016/04:47 PM
Lately there have been an influx of people using bhop spots and bhop to avoid death/infection during special days. This is extremely frustrating due to most of the player base not owning bhop as it is relatively expensive, as well as bhop being quite faster than normal movement, enabling a person to evade many guards in an open space indefinitely. When you cannot use guns in such a situation it is extremely hard to kill/infect them. This is why I want them banned and I'm sure most of the players would agree to me. A prime example is the tower on Summer Jail that can be bhopped to from the building close by. Most players cannot get to the tower as you must bhop to it - normal crouch jumping is not enough and manual bhopping is not known widely, some of the excuses people give when they are on bhop spots. As most people do not own bhop this is a real problem. I suggest a complete ban on these spots.