03-05-2016/12:48 PM
IGN: thekierannator
Nickname/name: De-amo
Age: 19
Maturity(1-10): 8 when not pissed approaches 1 when i am
Minecraft experience: build an entire replica of mauville from pokemon and assited in building for said pokemap for other towns etc
Favourite building style: large and in charge (like a big building then aesthetics)
Strengths: Had a lot of experience with redstone.
Weaknesses: get boared and pissed pre easly
How much you can play: at least an hour a day
Extra(not necessary): cant realy do much befor 4pm my time
Nickname/name: De-amo
Age: 19
Maturity(1-10): 8 when not pissed approaches 1 when i am
Minecraft experience: build an entire replica of mauville from pokemon and assited in building for said pokemap for other towns etc
Favourite building style: large and in charge (like a big building then aesthetics)
Strengths: Had a lot of experience with redstone.
Weaknesses: get boared and pissed pre easly
How much you can play: at least an hour a day
Extra(not necessary): cant realy do much befor 4pm my time