Nickname/name: KiiKSTeR
Age: 16
Maturity(1-10): 3.14159265359 (Pi)
Minecraft experience: Too Much
Favourite building style: Pixel Art
Strengths: Pillars
Weaknesses: Falling from pillars
How much you can play: Alot
Extra(not necessary): I can build alot of useful things for the server like the arena we are working on rn
Nickname/name: KiiKSTeR
Age: 16
Maturity(1-10): 3.14159265359 (Pi)
Minecraft experience: Too Much
Favourite building style: Pixel Art
Strengths: Pillars
Weaknesses: Falling from pillars
How much you can play: Alot
Extra(not necessary): I can build alot of useful things for the server like the arena we are working on rn
1v1 me in club penguin