Hello ladies and gents, this guide will teach you all you need to know about Ski_2_Go or ski for short. This is the most popular and probably the best quality map in the pool. Knowing this map will vastly increase your skill on combat surf. In this guide I will be outlining: weapons available, boosters, jail, elevator, camping spots, what counts as tele or jail camping and call outs.
There are many boosters available around the map often denoted by a red arrow. These boosters speed will accelerate you to over 500 units per second (u/s). They are often chained together by using a turn bind to achieve the max speed in under 30 seconds. Below is a video of me hitting all of the boosters around the map. Note that there is a corridor straight in front of spawn and jail which is also a booster even though there is no red arrow indicating it. Sorry for black bars!
Camping spots:
This is a very important topic because of the popularity and severity of this strategy though I wouldn't recommend camping because it can get you slayed and it certainly won't get you any respect either. Knowing camping spots can be the difference between an early round death and a kill. Below is a photo of the map, the red circles represent popular camping spots to keep a careful eye on.
![[Image: attachment.php?aid=155]]()
Jail is located above terrorist and counter terrorist spawn and is populated by people who have fallen down below the map. Sitting in jail to get kills or jail camping as it is widely called is against the rules and can earn you a slay or kick (if you re-offend). To get out of jail simply walk towards the door and touch it, the door will then start to open and you may leave. In some scenarios the door will be locked and you will be unable to simply open the door, climb up the boxes with a jump crouch and you will be out in no time, alternatively you can use a jet pack to fly out. To avoid getting killed in jail try and bhop around because campers are usually watching jail from the spots outlined previously.
What counts as tele or jail camping:
Both tele and jail camping are serious issues and have serious repercussions including be kicked, slayed and banned. Tele camping is the act of sitting near a tele and waiting for someone to arrive and then killing them. Accidental tele camping is allowed if you give them three seconds to respond before shooting them. Just as a word of warning, please don't argue with the admins about what counts as tele camping because you won't make any friends. Jail camping is much like tele camping but it is the act of waiting in any position including inside jail waiting for some to fall down and get a free kill. Again if you are accidentally jail camping which can happen quite easily give them 3 or so seconds to respond. On maps like utopia or rebel_scaz this rule doesn't really apply because they are "jail based maps".
Weapons available:
There are three areas available for obtaining a variety of weapons they include: awp spot, weapons room and Mario room. Weapons and Mario room both need to be accessed through a telepoters outlined in red on the image below. The awp spot is also highlighted, and the route was shown in my how to get the awp on all maps thread.
![[Image: attachment.php?aid=156]]()
Elevator is an extremely popular spot to camp, hide and use normally. It is located on the very right hand side of the map, just in front of the Mario tele. It is primarily used to travel automatically up the map. To head up the elevator simply enter at the bottom, and in no time you'll be up at the top. To gain the most speed when leaving the elevator try and get as close as possible to the back wall. If you have over 1300 speed you are also able to travel down the elevator (not automatically though).
Hello ladies and gents, this guide will teach you all you need to know about Ski_2_Go or ski for short. This is the most popular and probably the best quality map in the pool. Knowing this map will vastly increase your skill on combat surf. In this guide I will be outlining: weapons available, boosters, jail, elevator, camping spots, what counts as tele or jail camping and call outs.
There are many boosters available around the map often denoted by a red arrow. These boosters speed will accelerate you to over 500 units per second (u/s). They are often chained together by using a turn bind to achieve the max speed in under 30 seconds. Below is a video of me hitting all of the boosters around the map. Note that there is a corridor straight in front of spawn and jail which is also a booster even though there is no red arrow indicating it. Sorry for black bars!
Camping spots:
This is a very important topic because of the popularity and severity of this strategy though I wouldn't recommend camping because it can get you slayed and it certainly won't get you any respect either. Knowing camping spots can be the difference between an early round death and a kill. Below is a photo of the map, the red circles represent popular camping spots to keep a careful eye on.
Jail is located above terrorist and counter terrorist spawn and is populated by people who have fallen down below the map. Sitting in jail to get kills or jail camping as it is widely called is against the rules and can earn you a slay or kick (if you re-offend). To get out of jail simply walk towards the door and touch it, the door will then start to open and you may leave. In some scenarios the door will be locked and you will be unable to simply open the door, climb up the boxes with a jump crouch and you will be out in no time, alternatively you can use a jet pack to fly out. To avoid getting killed in jail try and bhop around because campers are usually watching jail from the spots outlined previously.
What counts as tele or jail camping:
Both tele and jail camping are serious issues and have serious repercussions including be kicked, slayed and banned. Tele camping is the act of sitting near a tele and waiting for someone to arrive and then killing them. Accidental tele camping is allowed if you give them three seconds to respond before shooting them. Just as a word of warning, please don't argue with the admins about what counts as tele camping because you won't make any friends. Jail camping is much like tele camping but it is the act of waiting in any position including inside jail waiting for some to fall down and get a free kill. Again if you are accidentally jail camping which can happen quite easily give them 3 or so seconds to respond. On maps like utopia or rebel_scaz this rule doesn't really apply because they are "jail based maps".
Weapons available:
There are three areas available for obtaining a variety of weapons they include: awp spot, weapons room and Mario room. Weapons and Mario room both need to be accessed through a telepoters outlined in red on the image below. The awp spot is also highlighted, and the route was shown in my how to get the awp on all maps thread.
Elevator is an extremely popular spot to camp, hide and use normally. It is located on the very right hand side of the map, just in front of the Mario tele. It is primarily used to travel automatically up the map. To head up the elevator simply enter at the bottom, and in no time you'll be up at the top. To gain the most speed when leaving the elevator try and get as close as possible to the back wall. If you have over 1300 speed you are also able to travel down the elevator (not automatically though).