Hey surf players and admins,
jynxx @"KinqqG (sole)" Masta Muffin Sir Lagalot
Added 2 new commands to go alongside the particle trails on surf.
!toggleparticles - Disables all particle trails (for those who don't want to see them due to FPS drops etc)
!toggleselfparticles - Disables your own particle trail (everyone else's still shows and your particle shows for others), useful for people who don't want to be distracted by the particle trail.
Also added commands to MOTD.
Admins let people know of the first one if they complain about FPS issues.
It should save your preferences so you only need to use the command once (and not everytime you join server etc).
Again if you find bugs, let Tick know so he can fix them (via bug report section).
Also shoutout to @"CorbinH" for helping test on the dev server.
jynxx @"KinqqG (sole)" Masta Muffin Sir Lagalot
Added 2 new commands to go alongside the particle trails on surf.
!toggleparticles - Disables all particle trails (for those who don't want to see them due to FPS drops etc)
!toggleselfparticles - Disables your own particle trail (everyone else's still shows and your particle shows for others), useful for people who don't want to be distracted by the particle trail.
Also added commands to MOTD.
Admins let people know of the first one if they complain about FPS issues.
It should save your preferences so you only need to use the command once (and not everytime you join server etc).
Again if you find bugs, let Tick know so he can fix them (via bug report section).
Also shoutout to @"CorbinH" for helping test on the dev server.