18-01-2018/02:18 PM
So I got unbanned on Invex awhile ago and the only ct ban I had was one from Forgotten for tele camping which lasted 2 hours. I played for a while longer and got unbanned and enjoyed playing on ct helping out new ct's with my experience. I was doing good until PoosKi came on and perm banned me. I am not blaming him for anything as I'm not sure what my ct ban status should have been. I am asking to be unbanned as I have good experience on ct and I know what I did wrong. I won't do it again and I have somewhat proven that I still have the responsibility and maturity to warden because of the few hours I did before I was banned by Pooski.
Please unban me from ct.
So I got unbanned on Invex awhile ago and the only ct ban I had was one from Forgotten for tele camping which lasted 2 hours. I played for a while longer and got unbanned and enjoyed playing on ct helping out new ct's with my experience. I was doing good until PoosKi came on and perm banned me. I am not blaming him for anything as I'm not sure what my ct ban status should have been. I am asking to be unbanned as I have good experience on ct and I know what I did wrong. I won't do it again and I have somewhat proven that I still have the responsibility and maturity to warden because of the few hours I did before I was banned by Pooski.
Please unban me from ct.