22-04-2018/05:20 PM
Slimey !
"Hey do you wanna play", Everyone would rather turn gay
your skills on fortnite are appalling, you are that trash you are mostly crawling.
I would recommened you to watch tips and tricks, but you may aswell be layin bricks
if you were smart enough, then you shouldn't have bluffed
So I heard you don't know the rules, around here, to me your'e mules
don't try to act cool on the server, if so you should just be an observer
You really don't know when to stop trying, if you continue all you be doing is crying
Ripe you always need people to play with, but in a lobby your the fifth
Shit raps
hit me with that gey shit, comon
"Hey do you wanna play", Everyone would rather turn gay
your skills on fortnite are appalling, you are that trash you are mostly crawling.
I would recommened you to watch tips and tricks, but you may aswell be layin bricks
if you were smart enough, then you shouldn't have bluffed
So I heard you don't know the rules, around here, to me your'e mules
don't try to act cool on the server, if so you should just be an observer
You really don't know when to stop trying, if you continue all you be doing is crying
Ripe you always need people to play with, but in a lobby your the fifth
Shit raps
hit me with that gey shit, comon