14-05-2018/05:57 AM
"It all boils down to this, time. At the end of the day, I'm the developer/organiser for everything Invex related. This includes server plugin updates/maintenance, new plugins/features, bug fixes (forums/server), organising forum games including time consuming ones like treasure hunt, organising community events, producing YT/misc content etc.
My time is very limited, moreso than ever. After all my other commitments I'm barely left with any hours which I can spend on Invex which I have to take out of my personal time. Even a small bug may take hours to fix and issues popup every now and again that I have to address (2 recent issues is fastdl link + fastdl auto sync). That means if I have 3 hours of free time in a given day, I have to decide if I actually want to spend it doing something I want to (i.e. actually playing a game) or spending it fixing Invex bugs/etc. When I do work on something like that its generally because I feel like it or am the mood to do it." - Byte
As he said he doesn't have that much time to do all the bugs/suggestions as they can take hours. He is doing great for him being the only dev and he is doing the best he can.
My time is very limited, moreso than ever. After all my other commitments I'm barely left with any hours which I can spend on Invex which I have to take out of my personal time. Even a small bug may take hours to fix and issues popup every now and again that I have to address (2 recent issues is fastdl link + fastdl auto sync). That means if I have 3 hours of free time in a given day, I have to decide if I actually want to spend it doing something I want to (i.e. actually playing a game) or spending it fixing Invex bugs/etc. When I do work on something like that its generally because I feel like it or am the mood to do it." - Byte
As he said he doesn't have that much time to do all the bugs/suggestions as they can take hours. He is doing great for him being the only dev and he is doing the best he can.
this time it was so unexpected, last time it was the drugs he was lacing, all legends fall in the making.