29-05-2018/04:20 PM
Okay so what I can see is;
@"Lexa" needs a discord ban for channel spam.
DJC Starting with O4 1st (strict warning)
Adding in O6 1st for the first comment.
Adding another O6 2nd offence for another comment on the report.
Adding O10 1st Offence for a shoutbox comment.
Strict warning + 1hr-3days + 1week-2weeks + 1week-2weeks
Jae Stop egging it on. You should also have 2 offences on O5/O6.
You should have just posted the abuse report and left it at that.
If the staff required additional evidence they will request it.
Byte Tick ev0
@"Lexa" needs a discord ban for channel spam.
DJC Starting with O4 1st (strict warning)
Adding in O6 1st for the first comment.
Adding another O6 2nd offence for another comment on the report.
Adding O10 1st Offence for a shoutbox comment.
Strict warning + 1hr-3days + 1week-2weeks + 1week-2weeks
Jae Stop egging it on. You should also have 2 offences on O5/O6.
You should have just posted the abuse report and left it at that.
If the staff required additional evidence they will request it.
Byte Tick ev0