Okay to clear things up like @gutter tried to
This is a member application
Members and higher will givetheir thoughts on why you should or should not be member
Rule breaking, harassment are all taken into a count
If someone says you did something bad that may be from their perspective and not your
You need to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand why they give you the feedback
You should also accept the feedback not deny it
All I have to say please keep the rest of the thread on topic and don't start an argument
Nothing positive could ever come from it
This is a member application
Members and higher will givetheir thoughts on why you should or should not be member
Rule breaking, harassment are all taken into a count
If someone says you did something bad that may be from their perspective and not your
You need to put yourself in someone else's shoes and understand why they give you the feedback
You should also accept the feedback not deny it
All I have to say please keep the rest of the thread on topic and don't start an argument
Nothing positive could ever come from it