23-04-2016/02:20 AM
Okay, hopefully this issue can now be resolved.
First of all reviewing that screen it is clear to me that Prescotti wanted SG to lie or otherwise post things to get Ownaj banned. This language makes that clear: 'saying you experienced the shit from Ownaj or something'.
I don't believe that its been taken our of context and I don't believe you simply wanted SG to share his thoughts and were offering him some credits to encourage him to make his post sooner rather than later.
So we've decided that this was abuse.
Issues that happen outside of our servers are not dealt with by us (ie if somebody harasses you in Steam chat then remove them from steam chat, we aren't going to ban them for things like that). However
This issue has been ongoing since Prescotti's return and multiple admins have been messaged (essentially spammed) with requests to ban XXX or review evidence. We are sick of it. We are a gaming community and want to play games and not spend all day arguing and fighting over essentially nothing.
Soona is not involved in this issue at all.
We have considered everything that has happened I am issuing a proper final warning to both Ownaj and
I seriously hope I don't see an abuse report on either player after this.
Grow up and stop acting like 10 year olds.