14-05-2016/12:52 PM
If we're going exactly as the rules say "Baiting: Considered to be any CT, intentionally or unintentionally going within knifing distance of T's."
Keyword here being "going". Meaning you moved within knifing distance, which you didn't. If the T is the one that has to move to be "within knifing distance" then it's definitely not a bait. The rules are pretty clear on this.
Of course the rules are always change a bit when playing on a server, some admins are more lenient and others are more strict. The rule section might not be the most accurate description of server rules, because it's not like a legislation and have 300 pages of rules covering every aspect. In JB you have to just judge things as it comes, which is why it is so hard being admin.
So all in all, I'm not on anyone's side, I'm just providing some insight to the situation. By the rule book that is not baiting, but by judging it looks like an unintentional bait.
Keyword here being "going". Meaning you moved within knifing distance, which you didn't. If the T is the one that has to move to be "within knifing distance" then it's definitely not a bait. The rules are pretty clear on this.
Of course the rules are always change a bit when playing on a server, some admins are more lenient and others are more strict. The rule section might not be the most accurate description of server rules, because it's not like a legislation and have 300 pages of rules covering every aspect. In JB you have to just judge things as it comes, which is why it is so hard being admin.
So all in all, I'm not on anyone's side, I'm just providing some insight to the situation. By the rule book that is not baiting, but by judging it looks like an unintentional bait.