25-09-2016/09:12 PM
Do not post in any abuse report thread unless you are directly involved.
You may only post in an abuse report thread if:
You are the original poster of the abuse report
You are the target (or one of the targets) of the abuse report
You are the banning server administrator
You are a player or server administrator with additional evidence to add
You are a listed witness that can confirm events occured or have additional evidence to add
To clarify, DO NOT POST if you want to share your opinion or personal thoughts, it is not needed and you will be warned for posting irrelevant replies.
Furthermore, posts which involve arguing back and forth are also irrelevant. Each post must add something to the report, if it does not, it is irrelevant.
Jay if you can't follow simple rules your word is pretty useless..
You may only post in an abuse report thread if:
You are the original poster of the abuse report
You are the target (or one of the targets) of the abuse report
You are the banning server administrator
You are a player or server administrator with additional evidence to add
You are a listed witness that can confirm events occured or have additional evidence to add
To clarify, DO NOT POST if you want to share your opinion or personal thoughts, it is not needed and you will be warned for posting irrelevant replies.
Furthermore, posts which involve arguing back and forth are also irrelevant. Each post must add something to the report, if it does not, it is irrelevant.
Jay if you can't follow simple rules your word is pretty useless..