You brought this on yourself. Out of nowhere since you were reported playing with cheaters you have gone out of your
way to belittle me on the server with snarkey comments and random bullshit when something doesn't go your way. Maybe I
wouldnt be so harsh if you treated people and admins on the server with some respect.
On the matter of the mute reason.
It doesnt matter if a person is on the server or not, its still abuse. Revealing someone's personal information even if they
aren't on the server is still revealing personal info so why would abusing someone be any different.
way to belittle me on the server with snarkey comments and random bullshit when something doesn't go your way. Maybe I
wouldnt be so harsh if you treated people and admins on the server with some respect.
On the matter of the mute reason.
It doesnt matter if a person is on the server or not, its still abuse. Revealing someone's personal information even if they
aren't on the server is still revealing personal info so why would abusing someone be any different.