17-10-2016/02:55 PM
Firstly id like to say how tick is taking his first abuse report as a joke, really professional, two Evo was not online at the time therefore why are you commenting on this report. now these "smart ass comments" were me asking Tick if i could ask a question which i got no response now if an admin doesn't wanna do his job as an admin and answer questions on the server about the rules why is he admin? Also on another note those texts were taken out of context and also do not have the replies Tick gave over the microphone. also i don't know how you can say "shut your mouth in aggressive way Lew but i was laughing hysterically behind the screen so that phrase was definitely not aggressive.Also if we are going to say my comments about Evo may as well tell everyone what the other people on the server were saying about him and then mute them for abuse. as for the Ginger racist comment i was trying to understand why Tick is singling me out? i feel quite offended at the moment and would like an apology from Tick because that's not good ethics. On a final note id like to say i visited KZG and had many people comment about the admins on Invex and i had some pretty salty replies aimed at Evo and Tick now if that doesn't ring alarm bells that people are leaving the server because of them i dont know what is.