13-01-2017/11:07 AM
I know that no one knows who I am in the Invex servers or even community. But anyways I'm going for member. Reason I went for member, is because I want to start knowing everyone in the community with the member tag next to my name because without it, no one will remember me. I know that's not really a good valuable reason why I should be a member of invex. I reckon I've been a really active player in the invex servers, and what I mean (really active on JB). I enjoy playing JB everyday with some cool and funny people, as an example - Squidward, cal, n8, jaay, thirtyeightcs, Waddy, and many more as you would guess. Those I just few people I play with on jailbreak. I'm pretty active on the forums and servers. Have over 7k minutes, might not seem as much but I started 2 months ago. I reckon that's going to wrap up my whole member applicaiton. Hopefully you give your honest vote. Just first time. See'ya !