08-04-2017/08:25 PM
I agree with n8.
Some people pick up wardening really quick (or they know how to play Jailbreak) and even a little amount of time is enough for them to adapt. You don't want these people to sit on T if they want to play CT for hours and hours.
Adding more playtime requirements won't stop rulebreakers, some rulebreaks have 1000+ minutes, others 10000+ minutes. Its all about the person and how they behave.
This has been suggested many, many times and usually all are rejected. Some minor tweaks could be made but it won't change much.
The main reason there is a guard delay is to stop new players from instantly hopping on CT to mass freekill (on accident or on purpose). Beyond that they have to learn the rules or risk CT bans.
Some people pick up wardening really quick (or they know how to play Jailbreak) and even a little amount of time is enough for them to adapt. You don't want these people to sit on T if they want to play CT for hours and hours.
Adding more playtime requirements won't stop rulebreakers, some rulebreaks have 1000+ minutes, others 10000+ minutes. Its all about the person and how they behave.
This has been suggested many, many times and usually all are rejected. Some minor tweaks could be made but it won't change much.
The main reason there is a guard delay is to stop new players from instantly hopping on CT to mass freekill (on accident or on purpose). Beyond that they have to learn the rules or risk CT bans.