06-12-2017/06:09 PM
What is ??
Demo: 06-12-2017-1635-surf_dust2_2014_v2_overcore.dem
138000 - 138800: Attempts to zeus telecamp but ends up awp-ing them
147100 - 147400: Shoots me as soon as I enter without giving me anytime to react
161000 - 161400: Telecamps two people as soon as they land through the tele
207650 - 209000: Sits in jail with his crosshair ready to telecamp and kill Sushi as he enters
223800 - 224100: Sitting T spawn watching the teleporter, kills someone as they just take the tele
240800 - 242600: Laughing how he "isn't a camper" and that the "worse that could happen is a 2-day ban but
that is nothing"
243000 - 243300: Telecamps T spawn as I just enter
Demo: 06-12-2017-1635-surf_dust2_2014_v2_overcore.dem
138000 - 138800: Attempts to zeus telecamp but ends up awp-ing them
147100 - 147400: Shoots me as soon as I enter without giving me anytime to react
161000 - 161400: Telecamps two people as soon as they land through the tele
207650 - 209000: Sits in jail with his crosshair ready to telecamp and kill Sushi as he enters
223800 - 224100: Sitting T spawn watching the teleporter, kills someone as they just take the tele
240800 - 242600: Laughing how he "isn't a camper" and that the "worse that could happen is a 2-day ban but
that is nothing"
243000 - 243300: Telecamps T spawn as I just enter