02-03-2018/10:22 PM
This abuse report will be marked not abuse if you don’t include the correct evidence, you’re missing two things, Steam ID(s) and Tick(s), also your time is off, you have to be more specific e.g. 9:13PM, Australia. NSW. Hopefully the links below could help out.
Steam ID - https://steamidfinder.com, you need to input their profile link to get their Steam ID into this site. You can get their steam ID via two ways: in-game by pressing Tab -> finding their name on the leaderboard -> right-clicking on their name and selecting community profile -> getting the link at the top and pasting it in the site, and if you didn’t get their steam IDs in-game, you can get it via demos by completing a similar process.
Ticks - https://www.invexgaming.com.au/misc.php?...elp&hid=16, this link will provide you with information about how to properly make an abuse report utilising the server’s demo feature.
I can also confirm both incidents.
Steam ID - https://steamidfinder.com, you need to input their profile link to get their Steam ID into this site. You can get their steam ID via two ways: in-game by pressing Tab -> finding their name on the leaderboard -> right-clicking on their name and selecting community profile -> getting the link at the top and pasting it in the site, and if you didn’t get their steam IDs in-game, you can get it via demos by completing a similar process.
Ticks - https://www.invexgaming.com.au/misc.php?...elp&hid=16, this link will provide you with information about how to properly make an abuse report utilising the server’s demo feature.
I can also confirm both incidents.