23-03-2018/09:17 PM
In order for this abuse report to even be considered, you will need to provide the players steam ID, and the correct demo with round Number(s) and/or ticks.
I will provide you with links to both.
To get Steam ID: https://steamidfinder.com/
To get Demo: http://fastdl.invexgaming.com.au/fastdl/...o/?C=M;O=D
Find the demo by referring to the map name, and date/time it was played.
Your welcome
I will provide you with links to both.
To get Steam ID: https://steamidfinder.com/
To get Demo: http://fastdl.invexgaming.com.au/fastdl/...o/?C=M;O=D
Find the demo by referring to the map name, and date/time it was played.
Your welcome