I highly doubt that it would be able to be made into a special day though since not every map has a clear space where you can slide around on the top of the map. I've only ever done this outside on renegade but not every map has a clear enough space. Another issue is that if the CT's accidentally jump in armoury they'll get stuck on the ceiling. I've accidentally done this before but I was able to turn my gravity back to normal, exit armoury then turn it back off again. It's these sort of issues that might not make this special day doable and might be confined to a custom special day when an admin is on. I could only see this happening if the CT's have a timer before their gravity is turned off and if you have a good warden who can tell the CT's exactly what to do and exactly where to go.
P.S I had my health set to 3,000HP which worked fine with about 12 people but when I did it with about 20 I was dead in about 1 minute
Flashbang FFA would be cool. For anyone thinking it would be hell with all the flashes going off, it'd obv just be like the flashbang LR where they don't actually go off.
The Hidden Day, meh. I don't like the idea of 1 person having to do everything, especially if they're new and have no clue what's going on. They would also have the ability to delay the crap out of the round either on purpose or by accident which is never good.
(01-01-2017/04:46 PM)polarbear Wrote: Hey,
So i was recently thinking of new special day ideas and these are what i came up with:
- Duck Hunt Day (Creds to Squidward for the inspiration)
CTs are set to an heap of health and they have their gravity set to very low, they then jump around in the sky trying not to get hit by the t's trying to shoot them. This special day encourages precise aim, and prediction.
- FFA Flashbang Day
All players are set to 1 hp and have 30 seconds to hide. Then one the 30 seconds is over players are able to throw flashbangs at others. This day would have no teams (hence it being FFA) and guns would also be disabled.
- The Hidden Day (heavily influenced by the half life 2 mod, the hidden)
In this day a random player is selected to be 'The Hidden', The Hidden has increased mobility, grenades and has the ability to go invis. The player is then frozen and the remaining players have time to hide and prepare themselves. Then the hidden runs around trying to kill all remaining players.
So yeah thats it from me :^), I would really appreciate feedback negative or positive.
I really like the idea of duck hunt day but the FFA Flashbang seems to much like the dodgeball lr event