Neutral, tbh most of the time it will be unnoticed. And with a lot of people in a stack it could get really fucking annoying with all these User is typing messages.
(05-06-2017/07:30 PM)PhoeniX Wrote: Neutral, tbh most of the time it will be unnoticed. And with a lot of people in a stack it could get really fucking annoying with all these User is typing messages.
(05-06-2017/07:30 PM)PhoeniX Wrote: Neutral, tbh most of the time it will be unnoticed. And with a lot of people in a stack it could get really fucking annoying with all these User is typing messages.
The user thing will be like having all the names on. And people would see it before they kill them so they know if they freekilled or not. But yeah i don't think it will be that annoying cause its just a little but bigger than your name.