03-04-2016/06:19 PM
In-Game Name: bop
Age: 20 Years Old
Hello, so i've been playing on invex for probably half a year, my friend told me i have to make a account to apply for admin, so, here i am. I've always wanted to be admin on this community is because one thing. It's icon, Yeah i know invex is really getting it out there with the csgo community, although we need more staff, It comes too my attention that you do need that, all of the people i've talked with say i'm always a great leader, I'm loyal and will be a great asset to this community, not abusing or overdoing my powers to a consent, or at all, So Hopefully you think this through, I can also be on the SURF DM Server 5 hours a day (Weekdays) and 6 - 12 hours a day (weekends), h0pz, one of the server administators for SURF DM, Showed me how to get admin, thanks to him.
Sincerely, bop.
Age: 20 Years Old
Hello, so i've been playing on invex for probably half a year, my friend told me i have to make a account to apply for admin, so, here i am. I've always wanted to be admin on this community is because one thing. It's icon, Yeah i know invex is really getting it out there with the csgo community, although we need more staff, It comes too my attention that you do need that, all of the people i've talked with say i'm always a great leader, I'm loyal and will be a great asset to this community, not abusing or overdoing my powers to a consent, or at all, So Hopefully you think this through, I can also be on the SURF DM Server 5 hours a day (Weekdays) and 6 - 12 hours a day (weekends), h0pz, one of the server administators for SURF DM, Showed me how to get admin, thanks to him.
Sincerely, bop.