05-04-2016/08:16 PM
Current Game Name (Steam/Minecraft): CHEF
Steam ID [steamidfinder.com] (If not linked to forums):
Age: 15
Do you meet all admin application requirements (40 hours on severs/25 posts on forums/etc): Yeet.
Have you thoroughly read the server rules for the server you are applying for admin on? Yeet.
Have you donated to the server? Yeet.
Name ONE (and only one) current server administrator/global administrator/staff member who has recommended you to apply? Byte
Why do you want to be an admin on Invex Gaming? I would like to be an admin on Invex Gaming because I need to give back to the community for all the fun times it has given to me. I believe I would fulfill adminstrator duties well, whether it be server-related, forum-related, or any situation admins are put in, as I believe my personality and behaviour would slide into the decision-making process well. Also, there are currently no Aim Admins that are active on the forums or Teamspeak (none even have any channels), so I believe that I can help make decisions about aim servers based on community input from the servers and forums.
Steam ID [steamidfinder.com] (If not linked to forums):
Age: 15
Do you meet all admin application requirements (40 hours on severs/25 posts on forums/etc): Yeet.
Have you thoroughly read the server rules for the server you are applying for admin on? Yeet.
Have you donated to the server? Yeet.
Name ONE (and only one) current server administrator/global administrator/staff member who has recommended you to apply? Byte
Why do you want to be an admin on Invex Gaming? I would like to be an admin on Invex Gaming because I need to give back to the community for all the fun times it has given to me. I believe I would fulfill adminstrator duties well, whether it be server-related, forum-related, or any situation admins are put in, as I believe my personality and behaviour would slide into the decision-making process well. Also, there are currently no Aim Admins that are active on the forums or Teamspeak (none even have any channels), so I believe that I can help make decisions about aim servers based on community input from the servers and forums.