30-05-2016/09:16 PM
I would like to become a member because i think Invex is a really good community and that i think i have been with them for a little bit now. I used to play on KZG and it was good until a friend showed me Invex and this community is amazing. No one is made fun of or teased for their age or voice or anything. I am not trying to get memeber by just saying this btw. I also think i have started to fit in a little. If you were to ask @'nate' or Josh im sure they would know who i am. I do go on jailbreak on the weekends only though. But recently i have been quite active on the fourms. btw about my introduction post, i made it today and i am only new ish on fourms as i really only just figured it out from people on ts.
See ya,
See ya,