31-01-2016/11:39 PM
Current Steam Name: Mclovin
Steam ID [steamidfinder.com] (If not linked to forums): already linked.
Do you meet all admin application requirements (40 hours on severs/10 posts on forums/etc): Affirmative.
Have you donated to the server? Affirmative.
Name one current server administrator/global administrator/staff member who has recommended you to apply? @Mclovin
Why do you want to be an admin on Invex Gaming? I would love to be an admin on the jb server because, i find the Jailbreak scene to be VERY fun and i would like to be more involved in it. Also even though the server just started, i would gladly take up a position of an admin role, because of that there are barley any admins on, so i would love to help out on that server.
Steam ID [steamidfinder.com] (If not linked to forums): already linked.
Do you meet all admin application requirements (40 hours on severs/10 posts on forums/etc): Affirmative.
Have you donated to the server? Affirmative.
Name one current server administrator/global administrator/staff member who has recommended you to apply? @Mclovin
Why do you want to be an admin on Invex Gaming? I would love to be an admin on the jb server because, i find the Jailbreak scene to be VERY fun and i would like to be more involved in it. Also even though the server just started, i would gladly take up a position of an admin role, because of that there are barley any admins on, so i would love to help out on that server.