10-02-2017/11:55 PM
Ok step 1
Become the most hated 15 yr old on invex, you cant have anyone have respect for you.
Step 2
Have alot of warns 20+
Step 3
Be a attention seeker like lunaei
Step 4
Make a stupid title that is clickbait (anything i post is clickbait because people hate me so they wanna see what shit i post and write retarded shit on)
Step 5
find a dead cringe meme and post it along with some Comic sans text
Step 6
end it with confusing words
Step 7
Wait for hate flow in
Step 8
Become the most hated 15 yr old on invex, you cant have anyone have respect for you.
Step 2
Have alot of warns 20+
Step 3
Be a attention seeker like lunaei
Step 4
Make a stupid title that is clickbait (anything i post is clickbait because people hate me so they wanna see what shit i post and write retarded shit on)
Step 5
find a dead cringe meme and post it along with some Comic sans text
Step 6
end it with confusing words
Step 7
Wait for hate flow in
Step 8