06-04-2017/09:37 AM
Hey Everyone!
My name is: thirtyeightcs
I am an active Jailbreak player and love playing with everyone on the Invex community. I have roughly 8000 minutes of playtime on Jailbreak and enjoy the gamemode very much, I am going for member as I would love to be more involved in the Invex community and as I am now getting back into gaming after a 3 or so month break, during this break I was busy with school work and also doing Air Training, but now that I have more time on my hands I would love to be a member of Invex gaming to show I am more then just a casual player of the server. I have made many friends off of Invex and thank you guys for giving me the chance to get to know all these guys, as they are very wonderful and it is great to finally catch up with them again.