11-05-2017/05:04 PM
So I noticed CHEF had been calling out @"Shirori" whom is formally known as shoe roo (a pretty cool kid).
Any way Mr salty chef -1'd Shoe Roo's application for not knowing the rules. After checking out the report I watched the Youtube video that was attached to it.
In this video you can clearly see CHEF leaving his cells, so he was KOS regardless whether or not the cells were open to begin with.The name of the video "fucking retard kid" is also pretty unacceptable.
n8 clarified this and closed the report.
However, I am calling CHEF out for being a salty bastard, who infact doesn't know the rules himself.
Thank you all,
I am here to defend the younglings of Invex. Remember to +1 me on my next Member app
Any way Mr salty chef -1'd Shoe Roo's application for not knowing the rules. After checking out the report I watched the Youtube video that was attached to it.
In this video you can clearly see CHEF leaving his cells, so he was KOS regardless whether or not the cells were open to begin with.The name of the video "fucking retard kid" is also pretty unacceptable.
n8 clarified this and closed the report.
However, I am calling CHEF out for being a salty bastard, who infact doesn't know the rules himself.
Thank you all,
I am here to defend the younglings of Invex. Remember to +1 me on my next Member app