17-09-2017/10:17 PM
This will event will be a raiding event with teams of 3-4 and will have a designated area on a map to gather resources to defend and attack. What they will be defending will be a beacon which can be moved until the day of the raiding, each team will be blocked of from each other for 7 days allowing enough time to gather resources. on the last day the walls blocking the teams from each other will disappear at a certain time which will start the raiding. Last team to have the beacon not destroyed will be the winners.
1. No trolling/griefing teammates
2. The use of obsidian isn't allowed
3. Any attempt of using x-ray or any hacks are prohibited
4. TNT cannot be used to destroy other teams bases (can be used as a weapon)
5. You can use any status effect of your beacon
1. No trolling/griefing teammates
2. The use of obsidian isn't allowed
3. Any attempt of using x-ray or any hacks are prohibited
4. TNT cannot be used to destroy other teams bases (can be used as a weapon)
5. You can use any status effect of your beacon