08-11-2017/02:54 AM
We've updated our email checking method to use an up to date list of disposable email providers.
This updated our list from 536 emails to 3000+.
This list also updates automatically (often times multiple times a day).
Just to clarify, disposable emails are not allowed on our website.
Please use your permanent email when signing up.
10 registered accounts were also banned as they were currently linked to a disposable email.
PS: This does not stop the occasional spam bots that sign up on our website. Those use gmail/hotmail etc email addresses and are quite hard to shut down.
Thank you.
This updated our list from 536 emails to 3000+.
This list also updates automatically (often times multiple times a day).
Just to clarify, disposable emails are not allowed on our website.
Please use your permanent email when signing up.
10 registered accounts were also banned as they were currently linked to a disposable email.
PS: This does not stop the occasional spam bots that sign up on our website. Those use gmail/hotmail etc email addresses and are quite hard to shut down.
Thank you.